Chairmaking classes
Comb Back
We'll cover all the basics of Windsor chairmaking with the added bonus of carving knuckles and volutes! Greenwood working and carving experience recommended. |
3-legged perch class focuses on seat carving and wet/dry joinery. Start with a seat blank and some turned parts and head home with a perch that is ready for paint! |
Additional class options |
Curved Leg Stool
Focus on undercarriage joinery and carving while making these stools originally designed by Pete Galbert. I have all the tools you need for spoon carving while curved parts set! |
Fan Back Side Chair
Construct a fan back side chair for your living space. This course offers a well rounded exposure to all things Windsor Chair. Great for beginners or for fine tuning your skillset. |
Democratic Chair
Build a Democratic side chair designed by Curtis Buchanan. Get well acquainted with the drawknife and scorp! |
Continuous Arm Rocker
My personal favorite chair for sitting. We'll steam bend a 60" arm bow and learn how to fit rockers so you can take home your own comfy rocking chair. |